SANKALP 2k18 - 10th & 12th February


The annual Inter-Collegiate Socio-cultural fest SANKALP was organized by NSS Unit on the theme ‘Gender Equality' (Inclusivity) in collaboration with the NGO-MAVA (Men Against Violence and Assault). 
On the first day of the fest, Intra-Collegiate competitions like Poster making, Slogan writing, etc. were organized.
On the second day, there was a Panel Discussion on the theme of Gender Inclusivity. Mr. Sai, a student from TISS and a Transgender; Mr. Harish Sadani, Founder of MAVA and Mr. Mithun Sarvagod, Founder of Trust TEE were the panel Members. During the discussion, they stressed giving equal status to all in every walk of life, including the legal aspects, and creating common spaces where everyone gets the freedom to express themselves.

Shri. Gauri Sawant, a Transgender Activist was Chief Guest for the day. Shri. Gauri Sawant gave a deep insight into the need and relevance of including the LGBTQ community in the mainstream and providing them with all the opportunities in every sector. She also narrated her life story, hardships, and trauma she went through. She encouraged and motivated the youth to take up the responsibility of eradicating the stigma and discrimination regarding the sexual orientation of the LGBTQ community. Ms. Asha Kulkarni, founder of the NGO Anti-Dowry Movement also addressed the audience and enlightened the participants about various aspects of Gender Equality.

The Panel Discussion was followed by theme-based performances by N.S.S. volunteers from Colleges across Mumbai District. Transgender representatives from Humsafar and Dancing Queen Trusts also attended the program and even gave performances at cultural events.

Ms. Poushali from TISS was the chief guest for the valedictory session during which participants were given certificates.